Saturday Night was the 30th Anniversary of Barefoot Boogie at Insight Meditation Center in NYC! It was such a fun night with an incredible energy and feeling of celebration. As the Coordinator of DJs and Teachers for our twice monthly dance events, it was extra special for me personally. When I returned to The USA almost three years ago after living in South Korea and traveling Asia, I discovered Barefoot Boogie as a means for dance and building community here in the New Jersey and New York area, after being away from this region for fifteen years. The Barefoot Boogie has been an essential piece of my life and was a driving force in me returning to being a professional DJ full-time again. I am so grateful for that cold, snowy January Night when I first walked in the doors to the Insight Center and heard the flowing music in the background. I felt home for the first time since landing on American soil.
We danced, sang, moved and grooved to fun music and special events we had planned. We did this really fun dance that the DJ played a short clip of a song form each of the thirty years and the person who was wearing the bib-like shirt that we made with the year corresponding to the song, did a brief solo dance and then gave way to the next dancer and subsequent year. We had two children present who also picked a year to dance solo.
Barefoot Boogie celebrates 30 Years with Three DJs
I was the DJ for the last set and played some really open and expansive music, since the two earlier DJs played mostly popular old and new songs. I felt like I needed to offer another alternative to balance things out, since we are a very diverse and alternative community of freestyle dancers. This is one of the more unusual songs I played for the first time at a gig Saturday Night. Music likes this is not something I typically get to play at Weddings, Parties and Events and the Barefoot Boogie is a great place for me to experiment as a professional DJ.
What do you think of this tune for dancing or listening?